"What If Success On The Internet Was As Easy As Pushing 'Play' (And Following A Few Simple Steps!)?""Get My Training Videos And You Can
Your Way To Internet Marketing Success (See Samples Below)!"

Here's a list of the videos included in this package
(what you'll learn):
Choosing a good domain name
Registering your domain name at 000domains
Setting up your DNS at 000domains
Choosing a web host provider
Setting up a pop email account
Configuring your pop email account in outlook express
Setting up your signature in outlook express
Opening and downloading zip and pdf files, and zipping
your own files with winzip
Using FTP to upload files from your computer to your web
host provider's server
Setting up an account with ClickBank
Setting up a sales page and thank you page for resell
rights product with ClickBank
Setting up thank you page and order link with ClickBank
Setting up thank you page and order link with PayPal
Installing envtest to get proper paths to perl on your
Starting an ezine and installing a perl mailing list
Formatting and delivery of your ezine
HTML and how it works
(watch sample video)
Beginners HTML, centering text, creating breaks and
paragraphs, etc.
(watch sample video)
More HTML, making changes to your text
(watch sample video)
More beginners HTML, adding images
HTML - Making links and linking images
HTML - Creating tables, rows and columns
Using HTML templates quickly and easily
Using Good Keywords for keyword research
Creating the title tag and meta tags for your website
Optimizing your website for search engines - keyword
density and content
Writing ad copy
Importance of testing your copy
Submitting your site to the search engines
Installing an ad tracking and split testing program
Using your ad tracking and split testing program
Creating classified ads
Increase your search engine rankings by building your
link popularity
Creating your first ebook
Compiling your ebook in EXE format
Compiling your ebook in PDF format
Making your EXE ebook brandable
Making your PDF ebook brandable
Running your affiliate program with ClickBank
Installing a customer support desk
Using your customer support desk
Creating a password protected area of your site
Adding forms to your site for easy feedback from your
Installing a free WordPress blog
Using your WordPress blog
Promoting affiliate programs
Creating redirects for your affiliate links to shorten
Installing a shopping cart, affiliate and ad tracking
system all in one
Beginner RSS feeds
As you can see these videos can help you learn many
important tasks involved in building and growing a business
on the Internet quickly and easily.
Instead of spending weeks or months trying to figure out these skills
by yourself, simply watch the corresponding video for what you want to
accomplish and follow the step-by-step instructions provided.
Sign up for the Plug-In Profit Site service here and you'll get the complete Newbie Training Videos package as a FREE bonus.
Click here to learn more.
My Newbie Training Videos
package can save you countless hours of time and frustration and help
you achieve your Internet business goals faster and much more easily! :-)
To Your Online Success!

Stone Evans, The Home Biz Guy - Developer of the Plug-In Profit Site
Copyright © Stone Evans, The Home Biz Guy
All rights reserved worldwide.